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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

25 Health Benefits of Lemons

1. Lemon being a citrus fruit, fights against infection. It helps in  
production of White Blood Cells and antibodies in blood which attacks the invading microorganism and prevents infection.  

2. Lemon is an antioxidant which deactivates the free radicals preventing  

many dangerous diseases like stroke, cardiovascular diseases and cancers.  

3. Lemon lowers blood pressure and increases the levels of HDL (good  

4. Lemon is found to be anti-carcinogenic which lowers the rates of colon,  
prostate and breast cancer. They prevent faulty metabolism in the cell,  
which can predispose a cell to becoming carcinogenic. Also blocks the  
formation of nitrosamines in the gut.  

5. Lemon juice is said to give a glow to the skin.  

6. A few drops of lemon juice in hot water are believed to clear the  
digestive system and purify liver as well.  

7. The skin of lemon dried under the sun and then ground to make powder  
can be applied to the hair for a few minutes before bath which relieves  
head ache and cools the body.  

8. Applying lemon juice to acne dries the existing ones and prevents from  
getting more.  

9. Lemon juice acts as a natural hair lightner and skin bleach which  
reduces the pigment melanin and prevents the risk of chemical allergic  
reactions which is common with hair dyes and bleaches.  

10. Lemon juice is given to relieve gingivitis, stomatitis, and  
inflammation of the tongue.  

11. Lemon juice is used to prevent common cold.  

12. Lemon juice is given to prevent/treat urinary tract infection and  

13. Lemon juice is applied to the sites of bites and stings of certain  
insects to relieve its poison and pain.  

14. Lemon juice relieves colic pain and gastric problems.  

15. Lemon juice soothes the dry skin when applied with little glycerin.  

16. Lemon juice used for marinating seafood or meat kills bacteria and  
other organisms present in them, thereby prevents many gastro-intestinal  
tract infections.  

17. Lemon juice with a pinch of salt (warm) every morning lowers  
cholesterol levels and brings down your weight.  

18. Lemon juice is the best drink to prevent dehydration and shock in case  
of diarrhea.  

19. Lemon juice can also be used as a mouthwash. It removes plaque, whitens  
the teeth and strengthens the enamel.  

20. A table spoon on thick lemon syrup everyday relieves asthma.  

21. Lemon juice relieves chilblains and itchy skin.  

22. Gargling lemon juice relieves throat infection and also used as a  
treatment for diphtheria.  

23. Lemon juice is an excellent treatment for dandruff and greasy hair.  

24. Lemon juice, applied over the face, removes wrinkles and keeps you young.  

25. Lemon juice helps to prevent and cure osteoarthritis.  

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Walnuts in diet may help elderly improve memory

WASHINGTON: Adding some walnuts to an otherwise healthy diet may help older people

improve memory and behavioural skills, according to an animal

model study.Walnuts contain polyphenols and other anti-oxidants and essential fatty acids. Polyphenols are the most abundant group of plant phenolic compounds, known to provide much of the flavour, colour and taste to fruits, vegetables and seeds.

The study was conducted by researchers with the Human Nutrition Research Centre on Ageing (HNRCA) at Tufts University in Boston.

The ageing brain undergoes many changes resulting in altered or impaired neuronal functioning. In aged rodents, these impairments are seen as poor performance on age-sensitive tests of balance, coordination, and "spatial" working memory.

For the study, weight-matched, aged rats were randomly assigned to one of four diet groups. For eight weeks, the rats were fed special chow mixes that contained either two, six or nine percent walnuts - or no walnuts - before undergoing motor and memory tests.

For comparison, the six percent walnut study diet is equivalent to a human eating about seven to to nine walnuts daily. That counts as both a two-ounce equivalent from the "meat and beans group" and two teaspoons toward a daily allowance of dietary oil, said a HNRCA release.

The study found that in aged rats, the diets containing two or six percent walnuts were able to improve age-related motor and cognitive shortfalls, while the nine percent walnut diet also improved memory.

Diet tips that save the planet

Apples and measuring tape/iStockPhoto

Looking to shed a few pounds before the summer? Losing weight is not only great for your health -- it's also good for the environment.

The following suggestions will help reduce your waistline and your impact on the planet.

  • Eat fresh fruits, vegetables, and other real foods. High amounts of salt, sugar, and other unhealthy ingredients can hide in packaged foods. In fact, some flavored yogurts can contain more sugar than ice cream, according to Dara O'Rourke at GoodGuide, a database that can help you find healthy and environment-friendly foods. Manufacturing, packaging, and transporting processed foods to the store typically requires a large amount of energy and resources.

  • Stay away from high-fructose corn syrup. It can make you fat and is linked to diabetes. Massive amounts of fertilizers are used to grow corn, and these chemicals are eroding America's soil and polluting the Gulf of Mexico.

  • Choose lean protein such as chicken, eggs, sustainable seafood, and legumes. It's not high in saturated fat and fills you up so you're not looking for your next meal too quickly. Red meat, in particular, takes a huge toll on the environment. Raising livestock is one of the most significant contributors to a long list of environmental problems from climate change to deforestation to water pollution.

  • Replace high-calorie soft drinks with filtered tap water. Obviously, anything you can do to cut calories is a win for your body. How does it benefit the earth? Fewer resources are needed to make bottles and cans and ship them to stores. It also puts less pressure on landfills.

  • Cook your own meals instead of eating out at restaurants. It's harder to control portions when you go out to eat, and you have no control over whether healthy ingredients are used to prepare your meal. Besides, restaurants end up wasting a lot of perfectly good food.

  • Walk and bike more. Exercise is a major component of any healthy weight loss program. You'll burn more calories and less gas by leaving your car at home.

  • Don't deprive yourself. Satisfy your sweet tooth with a little bit of fair-trade dark chocolate. Studies show that the antioxidants present in dark chocolate can help lower blood pressure. Fair-trade cocoa farmers are paid fair wages, which allows them to take good care of their land.  

Environmental journalist Lori Bongiorno shares green-living tips and product reviews with Yahoo! Green's users. Send Lori a question or suggestion for potential use in a future column. Her book, Green Greener Greenest: A Practical Guide to Making Eco-smart Choices a Part of Your Life is available on Yahoo! Shopping and

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Simply Connect, Don’t Compare And Contrast


I am ready for my quiet sitting time in the morning. This is the time when ideas, impressions, new possibilities, even pieces of dreams from unknown sources come visiting. Today though, they seem to fit together, creating a cohesive story that unrolls itself before me.
    We are about a hundred or so in number, sitting together and ready for the satsang of this cleanshaven white-clad teacher.
    He began: Try to say 'complimentary religion' rather than comparative religion. Compare is often followed by the word
contrast; there is nothing to compare or contrast. Do not study other traditions to find holes in their belief systems. Honour the strengths of your own tradition. And if you notice similarities with others, be gracious enough to acknowledge and appreciate the gifts of other traditions. Cure yourself of thinking that you've got it right and others are on a 'wrong' path.
    Familiarise yourself with the mystics of all spiritual paths; Kabir, Rumi, Tukaram, Julian of Nowrich, Hassids, Sufis. Be conversant with the Bible and see how Jesus tries to spread love, and cut across discriminative barriers; reflect on the Bhagavad Gita and the call to a life of sattva and selfless action; explore the intricate web of the Quran and recognise invitations to mercy and justice; appreciate the stress on self-work and enlightenment in the Dhammapada.
    Consider all these as intimations of a larger implicit order; parts of an unseen wholeness. At all times look for 'invitations' — what are the divine messengers inviting us humans to think, to be, to do? No traditions, if you've studied them with sensitivity and understanding, incite their followers to violence. Abstain from defiling any tradition by placing its name before such words as terrorism or bomb.
    We were a deeply silent crowd
— a mix of young and old, ordinarily dressed, as well as saffronclad, robed, bearded, turbaned; of priests, nuns, intellectuals of various shades. Yet the teacher addressed us as if individually, with integrity, intensity, and uncommon humility.
    Enigmatically, he lifted a pair of scissors and a paper punch in each hand: Strive not to cut asunder nor punch holes. Placing them down, he picked a paper clip and stapler and added: Try rather to be a connector, a uniter. Steer clear of a worldview of distancing, division and dominance. Do not subscribe to any ideology of hate. If you set
up TV channels, do so not to malign others with voices that sound fierce and uncompromising — or worse — reas o n abl e - s o u n d i n g yet slyly malicious. Use the power of the media to spread the message of peace and real community.
    All spiritual traditions care as much for the soul as for the soil and the social, because both agriculture and culture have their common root in the Latin cultus meaning worship. If your benefactors or flock are ready to raise funds, use the money, time or attention not simply for proselytising but for building schools, hospitals, homes for the aged, and hospices.
    In your prayers, while wishing happiness, health and prosperity for your family, friends and colleagues, raise the bar higher to include the rest of the six billion of the earth who breathe the same air, and whose blood runs the same colour as yours.
    He ended: Think at all times how to remain centred, sane and intelligent. One's efforts should be directed towards acquiring enlightenment, refining desire and will by purging them of selfishness, by learning to endure pain, getting rid of hate, cultivating love. Turn to the side where the light is.
    The writer is a Mumbai-based consultant and yoga therapist. E-mail: 

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A song a day keeps the doctor away

Singing has always uplifted people’s spirits. But could it also be good for their physical health? Norbert Rego explores

  ALL over the world, people are re-discovering the innate benefits of singing. From reducing stress levels, curing depression to strengthening community bonding — there’s nothing better than humming a song. Songs have carried, and still carry, culture: wisdom, knowledge, history and the joys, struggles and sorrows of the people. Singing promotes health: breathing, circulation and digestion. Research has identified several benefits of regular singing, including examples of people who claim that it helped them recover from strokes and heart attacks.
    There’s nothing like singing for generating a feel good factor, which can have a tangible impact on your sense of well-being. Avinash Kumar 28, a BPO manager in Delhi, was on the verge of losing his job and went into severe depression. Apart from dieting and exercise, doctors advised him to listen to music for half-an-hour in the morning and another half-an-hour in the evening, basically to make him feel better. “I was asked to listen to the sitar and Indian ragas something from which I have benefited greatly. Today, my outlook towards life is positive,” says Kumar.
    Dr Jitendra Nagpal, senior consultant, psychiatry, Moolchand Medcity, New Delhi opines, “The health benefits of singing are both physical and psychological. Singing has physical benefits. Being an aerobic activity, it increases oxygenation in the blood stream. It also exercises major muscle groups in the upper body. It bears psychological benefits too by reducing stress through the action of the endocrine system, which is linked to our sense of emotional well-being. Psychological benefits are also evident when people sing together by strengthening community bonding.”
    Singing activates the relationship bond between loved ones too. “Sound waves have a positive effect on our nervous system and a therapeutic effect on negative emotions like anger, anxiety, psychosomatic problems and depression. Therefore, music therapy is advised in the case of these problems to achieve triple H — health, happiness and harmony in life,” adds Dr Nagpal.
Music is also rooted in diverse religions. Dr H K Chopra, a Delhi-based cardiologist affirms, “Human beings originated from sound. All the five sensations — touch, hear, smell, vision and taste have their primary component in the sound. We acquire optimum health when there’s a balance between the rhythm of the sound inside and outside us. Singing is the food for our soul.” Sound also benefits children. Children subjected to natural sounds always have better health as opposed to those subjected to harsh traffic sounds. The latter usually suffer from high blood pressure and hearing nerve deafness. “When pregnant women are subjected to music therapy, child growth is normal and intelligence is high. Reflexes of comatose patients too respond positively to music therapy in ICUs. By singing, you enliven your prana (life force), tejas (glow), and ojas (intelligence), thereby living up to your full potential,” concludes Dr Chopra.

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Smokers increase colon cancer risk by eating fruit, vegetables

THE HAGUE: Smokers may increase their chances of contracting colon cancer by eating fruit and vegetables, according to a new Europe-wide scientific study released on Wednesday.
    A high intake of fruit and vegetables appeared to reduce the risk among non-smokers but seemed to have the reverse effect on smokers, the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) said.
    “People who eat 600 grams or more vegetables and fruit a day appear to have a 20 to 25 per cent lower chance of developing colon cancer than those who eat 220 grams or less,” researchers said. “On the contrary, such consumption appears to increase the chances of colon cancer in smokers.”
    The study questioned about five lakh people in 10 European countries about their eating and smoking habits and studied them for 8.5 years.
    The article, published in the American Journal for Clinical Nutrition, said that substances within vegetables and fruits may even increase the carcinogenic potential of tobacco smoke.
    “This study is the first to examine the effects of fruit and vegetable consumption while making a distinction between smokers and non-smokers,” said RIVM official Hans Verhagen. AFP

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Lack of vitamins A and C could raise asthma risk

LONDON: A diet low in vitamins A and C could raise the risk of asthma, says a new study by British scientists.
    A Nottingham Universityled team reviewed 40 studies carried out over the past 30 years, and found that people with a low intake of vitamin C – found in fruit and vegetables – had a 12 per cent increased risk of asthma.
    The raised risk was less clear cut for vitamin A – found in cheese, eggs and oily fish – but there was still a significant association. While they were unable to put an exact figure on this group, the scientists noted that those with severe asthma consumed only half the recommended intake.
    To reach the conclusion, researchers analysed relevant reports on both children and adults published since 1980.
    “Our findings indicate that low levels of vitamin C intake – and, to a lesser extent, vitamin A – are consistently associated with asthma risk to a degree that, if causal, would be sufficient to be clinically relevant,” lead researcher Dr Jo Leonardi-Bee wrote in the Thorax journal. ANI




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Saturday, April 11, 2009


Dr R K Modi tells you about six aches you shouldn’t ignore

Tummy trouble is common in Mumbai where people have irregular eating hours and the temptation of street food. If you’re a woman in child-bearing years, a stomach ache could signal an ovarian cyst. A persistent stomach ache which only gets worse such that the pain then trickles down to your lower back, is cause for concern. Often the pain is accompanied by problems in bowel movements (constipation or diarrhoea). The best way to rule out the possibility is to get an ultrasound which can detect a cyst immediately. If caught early, an oral tablet can take care of the situation. However, if the cyst grows in size then a key-hole surgery may be required.
Most of us suffer from backache and working all day on the computer only aggravates the problem. However, if your backache starts radiating downwards to the genitals and is no longer a dull ache but a sharp pain, then you need to see your doctor as soon as possible. Sometimes the pain may last for just a few minutes, at other times it may last for hours on end. Such piercing pain could be the result of kidney stones, which usually affects adults. It can be detected by means of an x-ray, ultrasound and urine examination.
Have you ever felt this annoying dull ache in the jaw? In most cases, it is because the temporomandibular joint (jaw joint) is overworked and the pain usually fades away with time. However, if it’s repetitive and accompanied by a clicking sound as you open and close your mouth, it could point to injury of the jaw joint. A general physician can detect the problem by means of an X-ray. Treatment lies in oral medication.
Most adults over 50 years of age complain of pain in the joints. Commonly, this is a dull ache in the knees which increases with movement or a similar ache in the small joints of the fingers on any sort of hand movement. If the pain persists and increases, then you need to see an orthopaedic physician immediately. An X-ray and a bone density test can point to osteo-arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis which are both bone degenerative diseases. Both problems are more common in women than in men as bone density often decreases after menopause. The disease cannot be completely cured but its progression can be halted through physiotherapy and steroids. In extreme cases knee-replacement surgery may be required.
Pain in the big toe point to gout. Gout results from excess uric acid crystals deposited in the joint. Over time the pain becomes excruciating and affects movement. The problem is more common in adults over the age of 30. Gout can be detected through X-ray and blood test and treatment involves oral medication.
Often a headache is just that — a selflimiting ache in the head. However, if the pain is restricted to the temples and is a piercing pain, you need to see a doctor as it could be temporal arthritis. The condition is more likely to occur in adults over 50 and is repetitive at regular interval, at times lasting just a few minutes. During this time, the blood vessels of the scalp get dilated and the temples are sensitive to touch. Treatment involves steroids.
(Dr R K Modi is a senior consultant in internal medicine at the Wochkardt Hospital in Mulund and the L H Hiranandani Hospital in Powai)




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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mindful mouthfuls

Can a bowl of oatmeal help prevent a heart attack or does a cup of yoghurt aid in digestion? Foods consumed sensibly can prevent or even cure certain diseases, says Norbert Rego

 RAVI PRAKASH, 33, had a stressful job profile, erratic timings and an irregular eating schedule. At 110 kgs, he was besieged with high cholesterol levels with borderline diabetes and also suffered from bouts of hyper acidity, insomnia, and high blood pressure. Of late, he's started losing weight, and feeling a whole lot better about himself. His secret? Eating!
He explains, "Wheat rotis changing to jowar rotis helped me in digestion and to lose eight kgs in four weeks. One glass of sweet lime juice without sugar got my BP under control. Pineapple helped me get rid of acidity. Two walnuts and flaxseed three teaspoons daily helped me control my cholesterol. A meal pattern and methi seeds, roasted and ground, brought my blood sugar levels with in normal range."
Healthy food is all that is required to maintain the health of a human being. You can beat quite a number of medical conditions by eating right and exercising regularly. Many foods are medicinal, and are the fuel on which we run our bodies. This is a process of 'eating with
awareness" which is called 'meditative eating' or 'mindful eating'.
    "Meditative eating helps you enjoy all the dimensions of food and drink. The colours, the fragrances, the textures and of course the taste of food is better appreciated when you eat with awareness. Meditative eating drives away stress, as you are completely consumed by the moment, with no time for worry or tension,"

says Dr Dilip Nadkarni, orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine consultant.
    Vishal Sinh, 45, had high cholesterol. After consuming methi seeds everyday, his cholesterol levels have reduced significantly. "As prescribed by the nutritionist, I incorporated methi seeds in my diet. However, the key word for foods to do wonders is patience. Results come slow and steady, but provide life-time benefits," he says.
    Agrees Dr Richa Anand, executive dietician, Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital, Mumbai. "Foods consumed sensibly can prevent certain diseases. Even if they do not heal cent per cent; at least there are no concerns about any side-effects."

A combination of rehabilitation exercises (for post-surgical conditions) or contemporary exercises parallel to healthy food choices can result in magical changes in existing disorders or prevent future medical eruptions. HIGH BLOOD CHOLESTEROL l Fenugreek seeds, walnuts, wheat germ, oats, soy, garlic, olive oil and foods high in soluble fibre, such as apples, berries and brussel sprouts. A basic cardio workout in combination with weight training helps increase the good cholesterol. DIABETES l A combination of nuts such as peanuts, walnuts, almonds; cinnamon, garlic, flaxseeds and foods high in soluble fibre such as oatmeal, barley, lentils and apples. A daily
workout routine helps in uptake of glucose from the blood, thus reducing the blood glucose levels and increasing the sensitivity of insulin to the glucose. BLOOD PRESSURE l Foods rich in potassium such as fruits with a combination of pulses, ragi and whole grains can reduce blood pressure. And a moderate cardio workout in one's daily routine increases the pumping capacity of the heart, thus strengthening the heart muscles. CONSTIPATION l Yoghurt not only reduces constipation but improves immunity. Yoga and a fibrous meal helps improve the bowel movements, resulting in smooth passage of stools.
    (Inputs from Kinita S Kadakia, diet consultant)

l Ashwagandha helps reduce cortisol which is a stress hormone. High cortisol levels lead to insomnia, fatigue, digestive problems, low immunity and high mucus formation. l Walnuts and olive oil help increase HDL levels (good cholesterol) and prevent heart attacks. Coriander seeds also increase HDL levels. l ½ tsp each of ginger juice with honey taken in the morning works as an anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer food and also helps in constipation and gastric mobility. l 1 tsp of methi and jeera each soaked in a cup of water taken on empty stomach in the morning helps get rid of water retention. l Intake of thyme leaf, oregano and rosemary leaf will improve resistance against bacterial infection and help cure inflammation in the stomach.
l Stewed apple and pomegranate juice controls diarrhoea. 1 tbsp of curd beaten in a glass of water with salt and roasted jeera powder with 2 tbsp of Isabgol is the best remedy for acute diarrhoea. l Pineapple juice contains bromelein, which is a digestive enzyme. It cures chronic acidity and flatulence, if taken one glass daily. l Raw amba haldi grated and garnished with green coriander leaves helps detoxify the liver. l Sprouted barley and methi seeds improve immune system and rheumatoid arthritis. l Sweetlime juice contains potassium which helps as diuretic and controls blood pressure. (Inputs from Sveta Bhassin, nutritionist and wellness consultant)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

As the mercury rises mercilessly, get your summer survival kit ready.

Sonal Ved gets experts to give you a few tips

 Scorching summer days are nothing new for us. But in the first week of April, when your skin feels like it’s melting, some serious action is called for. Here’s what you can do beat the sun at its own game.

• Make the regulars on the Indian thali such as dal, chawal, chapatti and subji your mainstay. However eat in moderation as stomach disorders are high during the hot months.

• Concentrate on foods high on water such as watermelon, cucumber, oranges, carrots, spinach etc since humidity makes the body lose water.

• All of us are aware of the eight glasses of water a day theory, but the truth is that you should have only as much as you feel. Sipping on coconut water, chaas, nimbu pani (without sugar, if you are on a weight loss programme or diabetic) can help balance the water level of the body.
Foods with unrequited fat and sodium content. Sodium causes water retention, further dehydrating the body. Salty peanuts, potato chips and oily farsaans are bad too; have a bowl fresh fruit or a cup of yogurt instead.

• If your kids complain of loss of appetite, give them compact meals — stuffed paratha, subji wrapped in chappati, curd-rice, or raita khichdi

• Trade water for coconut water, nimbu pani or mix fruit juice.
A line of infections and diseases that your skin is likely to suffer are:

• Prickly heat:
An itchy infection mainly caused due to blockage of sweat glands. Combat it by taking a shower twice in the day.

• Fungal skin infection:
Caused due to excessive perspiration and lack of air circulation. Avoid closed shoes, synthetic fabric and tight clothes.

Sun burns: Over exposure of sun can make your skin tanned and burnt. The result: black skin patches that peel off. Moisturise this area; do not pull the peeling skin. General hygiene and skin care can go a long way in avoiding these.

• Shower immediately after exercise

• Wear open shoes to allow circulation. Always wear a sunblock lotion. SPF 30 for indoors and SPF 50 for outdoors.
Summer ailments are mostly caused by poor hygiene, water infection and dehydration. Common ones are:
Common among those who rely on pre-cooked meals. During summer the food tends to get spoilt faster than other days. If consumed it leads to vomiting, food poisoning etc. Solution: Always have freshly cooked meals and boil your water. Closed fruits like oranges, bananas, sweet limes than pre-chopped ones.
Fluctuating temperatures between the heat on the street and your AC office results in coughs and cold. Excessive consumption of iced water and cold foods are also to be blamed. Solution: Maintain your AC temperature between 20-25 degrees; consume less cold foods and beverages.
Over exposure to the sun takes away essential hydration from the body which then needs to be replenished with water. Giddiness, headaches, fainting and fever are some of its symptoms.
Solution: Have liquids regularly during the day and wear a cap while on out the streets.
(Inputs from Dr Shilpa Joshi, Mumbai Diet and Health Center; Dr Rohini Wadhwani Cosmetologist and Medical Director, Skin Essentials; Dr Hemant Thacker, Consultant Physician)


Saturday, April 4, 2009


BMC hospitals set to deal with summer ailments

Mumbai: Even after the temp e r at u re dropped by two degrees Celsius on Thursday, the BMC is not taking a ny ch a n c e s. The civic body’s health department is gearing up to attend to an influx of patients with heat stroke-like symptoms.
    An advisory has also been issued warning citizens from venturing out in the afternoon. Public health department executive health officer Jairaj Thanekar said all major BMC hospitals were prepared to handle any situation. “We are expecting more patients complaining of fever, dehydration, headache and increased heart rate. The humidity can also make things worse for children, senior citizens and those who are overweight. Rising temperature can lead to other ailments too,’’ he said.
    The advisory spells out several precautionary measures, like having plenty of fluids, wearing loose-fitting clothes, avoiding working in hot conditions, bathing regularly and avoiding eating roadside food and drinks.


Breathe your way to health and success

 Followers of the practice of Brahmavidya believe that one can achieve health and success by practicing this science. They also call this the science of happy, complete life! Brahmavidya gives definite methods by which a person can overcome his physical and mental problems and lead a healthier, happier and more successful life. These simple and effective methods are based on breath and thought, which are the basic elements of life. For this, one needs to devote only 20 minutes daily for spiritual breathing exercises and 20 minutes for meditation. It is claimed that Brahmavidya can help in removal of root cause of illnesses and promote good health. This practice improves mental outlook of the person and makes him a more positive, cheerful, optimistic and confident person. With better physical and mental health, person can work more efficiently, making him more successful at his job, business or profession.
    Brahmavidya Sadhak Sangh is a charitable trust and all teachers and volunteers work in spirit of service, without any remuneration, to spread this unique knowledge. At present the Sangh is conducting Brahmavidya classes in Marathi, Hindi and English at over 150 centres in Mumbai, Pune and Ratnagiri. In the past decade, over 70,000 students have benefited from Brahmavidya teachings.
    Any one above the age of 18 years can join the Basic Course, which is of 22 weeks and classes are conducted weekly once for 1.5 hours. New batches of 22 weeks of Basic Course in English will commence this month at 14 centres in Mumbai. For further details, enthusiasts can contact: Airoli: 25446630, Andheri: 26333694, Bandra: 26148245, Borivali: 9869264623, Chembur: 9869378952, Churchgate: 9320972347, Dadar: 9820227104, Goregaon: 9870227746, Malad: 9870227746, Mulund: 25476818 / 9820107317, Thane: 25422768, Thane: 25403310 / 9820425661, Vashi: 9869378952, Vile Parle: 9324184159 and Trust Office – 25339977. Also log on to:

A Brahmavidya session in progress


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Heart can regenerate: Indian doc

Mumbai: A broken heart can mend itself, literally. In a discovery that opens up the possibility of helping people with serious cardiac ailments, an international team of researchers that includes a Canadian-born Indian neurosurgeon has found that the heart can regenerate itself.

    Scientists have so far believed that the heart never regenerates. "We have shown for the first time that the heart is capable of regeneration,'' said Dr Ratan Bhardwaj, who gave primary inputs for the research under the lab supervision of Jonas Frisen at Stockholm's Nobel Medical Institute. Bhardwajspoke to TOI soon after the research paper was published in the prestigious journal, Science. Bhardwaj, now at the University of Toronto, said the cells that regenerate, called cardiomyocytes, comprise 20% of the total heart tissue. They are also responsible for the crucial pumping action.
    Calling the finding a "myth-breaker and a paradigm shifter in science'', Bhardwaj said it opens the doors to future stem cell therapeutics and regenerative strategies. "It would be great if researchers could understand this mechanism better and possibly devise a pill to boost the regeneration of the
organ especially after a heart attack or chronic heart failure,'' he said.
    The 35-year-old doctor said, "You are actually having your own body heal itself. It's akin to the skin healing after a cut or the bones joining after a fracture. So, wouldn't it be great to find a way to heal your heart when it literally breaks, or fails? That's the beauty of this experiment.''
Carbon tech helped to trace heart's growth
Mumbai: An international team of researchers has found out that a broken heart can heal itself thereby exploding the myth that the heart never regenerates.
    The research used carbon dating to track DNA molecules within heart cells and show that new cells were being produced. "For the first time, we were able to see and show that the heart actually is continuously making and replenishing new heart cells,'' Canadian-born Indian doctor Dr Ratan Bhardwaj.
    Radio carbon dating is a technique used to determine the age of anything from the bust of the Mohenjodaro Priest to that of Queen Nefertiti. "But the body uses the same isotope, Carbon-14, in a very different way,'' Bhardwaj explained.
    During the Cold War, the rash of nuke-testing released huge amounts of radioactive C-14 in the atmosphere. This got mixed up with the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that plants use up in photosynthesis. "Humans and animals ate the plants, so the C-14 went into our system. Now could this somehow be
tracked, we wondered. With that leap of logic, we zeroed in on the DNA molecule which ought to be fixed from the time when the cell was made, barring very negligible amounts of turnover. So, if one could carbon date the DNA from a specific set of cells, one could find out how old that cell was,'' Bhardwaj said.
    "In terms of actually doing it, however, it was a long shot and very expensive. Not a lot of groups are able to do this—start with a whole human heart, separate the heart cells, that is the crucial 20%, from the rest, purify the DNA and send this to the lab to measure the C-14 content. One speck of dust in the sample can totally wreck the data. So we were not too worried about competing with many other labs,'' he said.
    The beating heart that's responsible for pumping blood is made up of cardiomyocytes which comprise about 20% of the cells. The rest are largely support cells of the matrix. Said Bhardwaj, "Now, as we grow in age and size, this amazing cell has long been known to 'hypertrophy', that is, get bigger with function. We were able to show that it grows in number as well.''


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