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Monday, July 20, 2009

Lower IQ raises risk of heart disease


Washington: A new study, conducted by researchers in the UK, has shown that having a lower than average IQ is in itself a risk factor for heart disease.
    In the study of over 4,000 people, David Batty and his colleagues at the University of Glasgow and the University of Edinburgh found that IQ alone explained more than 20% of the difference in mortality between high and low socio-economic groups.
    The researchers found that the results were the same even when known heart disease risk factors were taken into account. "We already know that socio-economically disadvantaged people have worse health and tend to die earlier from conditions such as heart disease, cancer and accidents," BBC News quoted David Batty, who led the study for the Wellcome Trust and the Medical Research Council, a saying.
    "Environmental exposures and health-related behaviours, such as smoking, diet and
physical activity, can explain some of this difference, but not all of it," he added. The research team studied a group of 4,289 former US soldiers from all walks of life. As expected from past trends, those on low incomes and with less education had a higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.
    However, when the researchers took into account intelligence or cognitive function, commonly referred to as IQ, and controlled for nine other known heart disease risk factors, IQ alone explained 23% of the differences in mortality between the highest and lowest socio-economic groups in the study.
    They offer several possible explanations for this - low IQ scores might simply be a marker of underlying poor health or intelligence might lead to greater knowledge about how to keep healthy. Batty said, whatever the explanation, the findings imply the IQ of the public should be considered more carefully when preparing health promotion campaigns.
    The study has been published in the European Heart Journal. ANI


 Free radicals in our body can be flushed out with high levels of lycopene, which is found abundantly in tomatoes. Several types of cancers can be fought by high levels of lycopene.
    Researchers have discovered that men who consumed 10 servings of tomatoes a week can cut the risk of developing prostate cancer by 45 per cent and seven servings of raw tomatoes a week, lower the risk of developing rectal colon or stomach cancers by 60 per cent.
    Cooked tomatoes are richer than raw ones — cooking tomatoes in olive oil allows your body to absorb the lycopene better.

Tomatoes do not lose their nutritional value after being cooked.
    They're are rich in potassium and contain niacin, vitamin B6, and folate, which are great to have a healthy heart.
    Tomatoes are rich in two anti aging free-radicals — iycopene
and beta carotene. These nutrients are enhanced when tomatoes are heated or cooked. While picking up tomatoes, make sure you choose ones that come in the brightest shades of red — these have high amounts of betacarotene and iycopene.
    Since they contain lots of fibre and are low in calories, tomatoes are a great food to include in your diet if you're keen on losing some pounds.
    Betacarotene gets converted into vitamin A once you eat it. Vitamin A helps in the development of healthy skin, hair and aids vision, development of bones and teeth.

Kardashian’s diet secret out

 Kim and Khloe Kardashian are launching their own diet cleanse. The US reality TV stars have created a supplement and Kim insists it is the only product of its type she has been able to use. She said: "It's a lemonade-based cleanse. It's ready to go! Khloe has lost 20lbs off it. I tried the pepper ones for literally half a day. I couldn't stick to it! But I can totally do this." Khloe, 25, is thrilled with her new toned figure, but added the change in her physique is also down to a new fitness regime. She explained: "I try to do 30 minutes of cardio, mandatory. Obviously if I have more time, I want to do weights, but really cardio is what works for me. Cardio leans me out, and still works muscle definition too. "I eat whatever I want until noon. From noon on, I watch what I eat. I only drink champagne. 100 calories in a glass, and I'm good." Kim has also been discussing her ever-changing hairstyles. The 28-yearold stair recently sported a blonde flowing look, shortly followed by a short brunette bob, and revealed she loves nothing better than switching her style. She wrote on her blog: "I love experimenting with hair looks! It keeps things interesting and new, and thanks to the amazing and talented hair stylists who create my looks, I know I'm always in good hands and my hair will always look red-carpet ready!"

WATER BABY! Kim Kardashian

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Nourish your bones!


Maintaining your bones with diet and excercise keeps you fit for longer!

Did you know that 90 per cent of the calcium in a human body is stored in our bones and teeth? Calcium is an extremely important mineral as it helps in the development of a healthy body structure/ skeleton early in life. It minimises weakening of bones as one ages. A balanced and nutritious diet, rich in calcium and vitamin D, helps in absorbing calcium and is a must for maintaining healthy bones.
It results in greater demineralisation which leads to further reduction of calcium from the bones. A calciumrich diet also helps in maintaining proper blood pressure, heart beat and nervous system. Research has also revealed that there is a positive correlation between calcium intake and the incidence of premenstrual syndrome. This mineral plays a vital role in controlling osteoporosis, a condition in which deficiency of calcium
leads to weak and fragile bones, further increasing the incidence of fractures in elderly people. Excess weight, obesity also tends to worsen this condition.
CALCIUM IS RECOMMENDED FOR EVERYONE I Including pregnant or breastfeeding women, who should include the specified quantity of calcium in their diets: Infants — 300 mg
Children — 600-800 mg Adults — 1000 mg Pregnant women — 1300 mg L a c t a t i n g mothers —1300 mg Post-menopausal women —1200 mg
SOME FOODS THAT ARE A RICH SOURCE OF CALCIUM ARE I Cheese, tofu, yoghurt, calcium fortified soy drink, orange juice, canned sardine and also fresh fish. Soy products are highly recommended for postmenopausal women as they help in building strong bones. Chinese cabbage, turnips, mustard greens, dried figs, soy nuts should also be included in regular diet. Avoid excessive intake of animal protein, as it obstructs the absorption of calcium.
It helps in calcium absorption. An hour of direct sunlight
everyday is ideal for the human body. Fish oils and eggs are also a rich source of vitamin D and should be included in the daily diet. Excessive alcohol should be avoided as it reduces the ability of the bones to absorb vitamins and calcium. Regular exercise in any form, running, skipping, aerobics, tennis, weight training and brisk walking is a must for healthy bones.
(Jyoti Arora, team leader — nutrition & dietitics, Artemis Health Institute, Gurgaon)

Thursday, July 16, 2009


You need not undergo complicated scans to detect signs of disorder. Your bulging eyes or bleeding gums are indications of ailments to come. Dr Hemant Thacker tells you about the warning bells our body rings

Did you laugh it off when your child called you a frog because of your bulging eyes? Or were you just 'mildly surprised' why chapped lips came visiting you in summer? It's time you pay attention to something you're going to live with your entire life – your body.
    Intriguing as it sounds, our bodies have mechanisms smart enough to indicate diseases much before they afflict you or simply warn you of
your improper food habits. We jotted a list of common symptoms noticed among people. Dr Hemant Thacker explains how the stressed, ignorant Mumbaikar needs to heed to these alarm bells, to save time and money nursing ailments.
Malnutrition, vitamin deficiencies, abnormal calcium levels or simply bad hygiene.
Re-check your iron and vitamin levels. You may
    have to increase your in
take of iron, calcium and multivitamins (have more milk and greens). You could also have contracted a mild fungal infection. However, press the panic button only if more than 50 per cent of your nails
    are brittle.
Hyper-thyroidism. You may also be suffering from sleep apnea or a chronic respiratory disorder.
Not much on your
    own, unfortunately. Consult a spe
cialist for thyroidrelated problems or a sleep specialist to correct your sleeping habits.
Inadequate moisture
and dehydration. Your lips may crack also because of sitting in your air-conditioned office cubicle for long hours. But most importantly, dry lips are an alarm bell for those who overdose on antibiotics.
Cut down on those antibiotics, go natural for a change. Make it a habit

    of drinking the recommended six glasses of water every day. It hasn't harmed anyone yet. And if your job demands you to sit in an air-conditioned environment for prolonged hours, do your best to avoid the blast coming exactly towards your face. Not to forget, apply moisturiser regularly.

The protein levels in your system have crashed, or are about to crash. Swelling in feet and ankles may also be due to obesity. Lastly, if you sit in one position for long hours,
the swelling may settle in or increase.

If both your feet have swollen (bilateral swelling), you might have had a lucky escape, for it only indicates a general disorder as stated above. However, if it's only on one leg, do
not ignore this symptom. Rush to a pathologist and get a blood test done ASAP to rule out a kidney/liver/heart/lung disorder. Lastly, if you spot varicose (swollen) veins, do not delay in consulting a doctor.
It is safe to blame all hair-related problems to malnutrition, directly or indirectly. Also, if you've been having only selected (read 'tasty') calciums, vitamins and minerals, your hair is likely to be dry. Lastly, do not rule out local infections such as dermatitis and dandruff.
While you go out and buy that fancy shampoo which
promises hair as

smooth as Priyanka Chopra's, take some time out and improve your nutrition levels. Have a balanced diet if you really care for your hair. If the problem still persists, see a trichologist.

Vitamin C deficiency is the culprit for bleed
ing gums. If undetected, it can lead to chronic gum infections.
Binge on citrus fruits such as oranges. Often overlooked in this category are
potatoes, which, w h e n not cooked for long, supply sufficient amounts of Vitamin C. Also, check your brushing habit. If you've been brushing haphazardly and if your toothbrush is of the hard or semihard variety, it can cause serious damage to your gums.

An imbalanced diet. You're probably overdoing on spinach and beetroot, to produce a dark stool. If this isn't the case, then occult (hidden)

    bleeding in the upper part of the gastric system (which can occur due to many reasons), can produce a tarry colour.
Go easy on the greens for a while. If it doesn't help, go for a stool examination to rule out blood-related diseases and then take appropriate measures.
(Dr Hemant Thacker is an honorary physician at Jaslok, Breach Candy and Bhatia hospitals)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Breathing exercise to reduce stress

Five minutes a day can keep stress away

Negative emotions are powerful, difficult to control and cloud the way one views their life. With all the news of global concerns, plus the demands of career and family, it is no wonder people sometimes feel stressed and pessimistic. Breathing Out to the Ocean reduces stress fast.

The Inner Renewal Meditation takes about five minutes. Practice this daily

  1. Start by sitting on a chair with your spine erect and your feet flat on the floor. Close your eyes.
  2. Imagine you are in front of an ocean. What is important is your intention. Breathe slowly and relax. During exhalation, have the intention to breathe out your negativities and discomforts.
  3. Inhale deeply, then breathe out to the ocean any discomfort, tension or pain in your body. Do it many times. Let the ocean absorb the discomforts and impurities.
  4. Inhale deeply, then breathe out to the ocean stress or emotional pain and discomfort. (1 minute).
  5. Inhale deeply, then breathe out the following to the ocean. Each time, let the ocean absorb them:
    1. Negative emotions
    2. Depression, boredom or frustrations
    3. Fears, guilt and worries
    4. Resentment and anxiety
  6. Inhale deeply and breathe out to the ocean harmful thoughts against anyone or any being. Let the ocean absorb them (30 seconds).
  7. Inhale deeply, and then breathe out any mental limitations and blockages. Let the ocean absorb them (30 seconds).
  8. Inhale deeply, then breathe out any tendencies of excessive criticism, control and manipulation of others. Let the ocean absorb all the negative tendencies (30 seconds)
  9. Inhale deeply, then breathe out anything that limits your freedom or obstructs your inner development. Let the ocean absorb any obstacles (30 seconds).
  10. Relax and enjoy your new emotional and mental well-being.

Practicing the Inner Renewal Meditation is a great way to gain a more positive perspective in just a few minutes whether at work or home. In fact, when family members also practice the Inner Renewal Meditation, students find it easier to concentrate for exams, couples enjoy a more harmonious relationship and family tensions subside.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Med magic: Broken spine joined

New Delhi: In a "first-of-its-kind" case, doctors at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) here have rejoined the broken spinal cord of a 10-year-old boy.
    The boy, Premchand from Firozabad in UP, fell while playing in a field and the moving blades of a tractor's harrow went over his back cutting his vertebral column into two. He was brought to the AIIMS trauma centre on September 4 and was immediately operated upon after five hospitals said they could not treat him. Nine months later, he is back on his feet and walking without help. At AIIMS, a team of doctors performed the rare surgery lasting over eight hours.
    D B Choudhary, senior consultant orthopaedic surgeon at AIIMS, said: "The child was in shock due to blood loss and had two deep wounds on the back with active leak of cerebrospinal fluid and rib fracture. His entire spine was fragmented in two parts. Initially, he was given blood and treated with other medicines
to prevent meningitis."
    Claiming it a medical feat, AIIMS trauma centre chief M C Mishra said: "I have done extensive research and can conclude that it is a first-of-its-kind case in medical history. Such a case with sharp penetrating injury to the spine in a child causing complete breakage of the lumbar spine in two parts presenting with complete loss of power and sensations is extremely unusual and has not been reported in literature either."
    The child started responding and felt sensations only a month after his surgery and now, after nine months, he is able to walk with minimal assistance. He is, at present, undergoing rehabilitation physiotherapy. "We are expecting him to recover soon," Deepak Gupta, one of the doctors who operated upon the boy, said. "There is no threat of infection," he added.
    Referring to Premchand's treatment, he said: "It is another miracle carried out at AIIMS." TNN AND AGENCIES


l Moving blades of tractor's harrow cuts vertebral column of a 10-year-old from UP into two
l 8-hr surgery done at AIIMS in September after five hospitals refused to treat him
l Kid starts feeling sensation only a month after the surgery and is able to walk with minimal assistance after nine months

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flat shoes can be the real culprits behind spine and leg ailments


A recent study says flat shoes can be the real culprits behind spine and leg ailments. Smita Roy speaks to city experts and gets the ideal heel size

 We've heard stories about high heels being bad. Even the bootylicious Beyonce Knowles, who's known for her sexy fashion sense, was recently heard complaining about her high heels. It's a proven fact that high heels can cause several ailments related to the knees, back and spine. And when it gets too much to handle, most people simply switch over to flat shoes. While doctors say that flats are better since they relax the feet and don't let them tire soon, a recent study says wearing total flats can be a cause of trouble. For starters, it kills the sex appeal that high heels bring in! But on a more serious note, podiatrists around the world are alarmed at the rising number of foot injuries caused by moving around in ballerinas and flip-flops. Although comfortable, flat shoes can cause severe foot pain, shooting pains in the shins, bunions, back aches and arthritis.
    Muscular and occupational therapist Dr Preeti Jadhav says, "Walking in heels alters the centre of gravity, training your legs to produce muscle especially in the calf and thighs thus toning them. For people who suffer poor circulation and are prone to swollen ankles, shoes with one-inch heels can boost the amount of blood and tissue fluid that is returned from the legs to the upper body. Modest heels of about one or one and a half inch can improve alignment of the lower back reducing the risk of lower back pain. It also helps people with straight backs as it restores a
healthy curve and eases tension in the muscle. For total comfort while walking, one must stick to the one to one and a half inch heel rather than wearing the absolute extremes."
    Physiotherapist Dr Priya Rathore says, "Absolute flats are fine as long as the insole is padded well. But otherwise I would agree that one-inch is the ideal heel size. It helps your calf muscles. Although here, too, I'd say that the insole has to be soft. Shoes with hard
insoles can be painful — whether they are flats or high-heeled!"
    Research also claims that women who wear one to two inch heels may have more fun between the sheets than women wearing absolute flats. The body posture adopted while wearing heels improves the pelvic floor muscles, which eventually helps achieve a wonderful climax. The best bet hence, is to wear different kinds of shoes with variable heel lengths at different points of time. Doctors also advise against wearing any particular pair of shoes regularly. Although the absolute skyscraper kinds are still a 'no-no', a little bit of heel would only do good! 

HERE'S HOW FLAT SHOES CAN ADVERSELY AFFECT THE BODY: People tend to shuffle instead of walking. This can ruin the body posture. They cause the feet to roll inward, stretching ligaments and tendons. The stretched ligaments pull toes out of alignment with the rest of the foot, causing severe pain. This can eventually cause bunions. When the feet roll in, they pull the knees with them. If forced into an awkward angle, the knee caps can become inflamed, painful, and sometimes, arthritic. Walking uphill or running in flats can also bring trouble, as the lack of support causes inflammation along the shin, prompting shooting pains.

FLAT OUT: Whether stillettos or platforms (extreme left), one inch heel is ideal

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Financial planner Gaurav Mashruwala warns against rising health costs

 Year 2007 will be remembered by Manoj Nirbhavane for the rest of his life. His mother Padma fell critically ill. The doctors had given her only 10% chance of survival. The family did not have health insurance. The cost of the ICU and more than three months of hospitalization ran into lakhs. All the savings had to be eroded, and some money borrowed, to cover the treatment.
    She is fine now, and so is the family. But had society not stood by them and helped financially, the Nirbhavanes' story could have turned out quite different. Maintaining good relations in society is the biggest wealth anyone can ever have.
    Manoj, 30, holds an MBA from Mumbai University. He works with a private life insurance company. His wife Shilpa is also employed. Manoj's father retired from the Brihanmumbai Municipality Corporation. He has two elder brothers. All of them live separately.
"I want to support my children the way my father supported me," says Manoj. (1) They want a corpus of Rs 30 lakh for education, Rs 5 lakh for marriage and Rs 40 lakh to establish children in their profession etc. (2) Further, they need Rs 50 lakh for their retirement after 30 years (3) Lastly, they need Rs 5 lakh to send both Manoj and Shilpa's parents abroad for a vacation. They consider all this their responsibility. Costs are at today's rate of inflation. Further they dream of foreign travel, a holiday home and, most importantly, a corpus to support the needy.
Cash flow: Total monthly inflow from all sources is in the range of Rs 40,000. Total outflow is Rs 36,000, going towards their insurance premium, household expenses, taxes, entertainment and savings. About Rs 17,500 is saved every month.
Net worth: The value of total assets apart from the house is Rs 7.10 lakh. Against this, the outstanding liability is Rs 50,000, or about 7% of the assets.
Contingency fund: Against mandatory monthly expense of Rs 16,000, funds in
form of cash at home and savings bank linked FD is Rs 70,000. This is about 4.5 months' reserve.
Health & life insurance: They have a family floater health care policy totalling Rs 3 lakh, which covers the spouse and

dependents parents. Sum assured for life is Rs 20.65 lakhs. This is in the form of term plans and endowment policies. Savings & investment: Cash at home is Rs 20,000. Rs 50,000 is kept in the bank. The value of direct equity is Rs 15,000 and of the equity mutual fund is Rs 3 lakh, Bonds/FD total Rs 80,000. Balance in EPF/PPF is Rs 2 lakh and post office schemes, Rs 45,000. Debt:Equity ratio is 55:45
FISCAL ANALYSIS: They are living well within their means. Excess funds are lying in cash/near cash assets. We recommend independent health insurance policies for each family member, and also a larger sum assured. Life insurance is insufficient. Borrowing is well within limits. Debt:equity ratio is well balanced.
Contingency fund: Keep aside Rs 35,000 in a savings bank linked to an FD and Rs 15,000 in cash at home. Any surplus funds should be utilized to buy additional health cover for family.
Health & life insurance: As far as pos
sible, opt for independent health cover for each family member. Also, when parents are nearing 60 years, try and get maximum health cover for them. Bearing in mind future financial responsibilities, incremental life insurance cover of Manoj should be Rs 80 lakhs—through term plans only.
PLANNING FOR FINANCIAL GOALS: Children: Funds required more than a decade from now. Systematically invest in an index fund and a gold fund. Allocation should be about 90% equity and 10% gold
Retirement: Retirement is more than three decades away. Therefore, start another systematic investment in an S&P 500 index fund. This kind of fund is more risky compared to Sensex/Nifty fund, but since retirement is more than three decades away it is worth the risk.
Parents' vacation: Use existing investment into equity, mutual fund, bonds and post office schemes to fund parents' vacation. Slowly start transferring existing mutual funds as well as maturity proceeds of bonds and post office schemes in the next two years into a a mutual fund with 80% debt and 20% equity.
    Further, the couple should create a corpus for funding parents' illnesses if any. Park the amount in a debt-based mutual fund.

Nothing in life is more frustrating than facing a situation where funds are not available to treat illnesses of our near and dear ones, especially when it comes to the parents who lovingly brought us up. Opt for maximum possible health cover for them. People often compromise on the sum assured, thinking the amount is too large. Never gauge this from the current levels of treatment costs. Coverage of Rs 5 lakhs at today's rate might be high in some cities, but ten years later it may not be sufficient. By then, your parents would be old and insurance companies may not be willing to enhance sum assured. No expense in life is more important than health cover for parents and our dear ones.

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 The primary function of hair is protection and hence if we see pictures of our ancestors, you'll always find men covered with thick bushy hair as a protection against the vagaries of nature, but today we are living in the world of diminishing returns as far as the hair is concerned, both men and women are facing the harshness and reality of scanty hair and baldness.
    Hair in today's world is not only your crowning glory but a measure of ones self image, prestige and confidence. A person's body language has a lot to do with the way a person perceives himself or herself to look and hair plays a great role in this perception.
    Baldness can lead to body dismorphic

disorder, which is characterised by the patient being preoccupied by a perceived flaw in the appearance of the hair specially thinning and balding.The patient may spend an inordinate amount of time in front of the mirror or may refuse himself / herself to look in the mirror. He / she may avoid social contact, refuse to have photograph taken and experience extreme self-consciousness eventually leading to depression.
    Trichology, the science of hair and scalp care, offers hope to millions of people suffering from baldness and its associated health problems through,
1. Proper diagnosis 2. Correct counselling 3. Treatment process

Baldness is broadly classified into:
1. Androgenetic alopecia 2. Non-Scarring alopecia 3. Scarring alopecia

As the name suggests, androgenetic alopecia is a baldness triggered off by the action of the male hormone on a weak gene.
The male hormone, androgen is to blame. Androgen starts flowing freely in the body in the post-pubescence stage. Ironically, it is the same hormone, which causes the
destruction of the hair follicles in those who are genetically predisposed to baldness.The hair follicles are attacked; the hair begins to fall off.The person begins to go bald and is diagnosed to be suffering from Male Pattern Thinning (MPT) or androgenetic alopecia. Unfortunately, one cannot tamper with one's genes and taking anti-male hormones to destroy the male hormones could have potential side effects like sexual dysfunction and depression.
    Women have both androgen (which is responsible for hair growth all over the body) and the female hormone oestrogen. In men, androgen ironically causes the destruction of the hair follicles in those who are genetically predisposed to this kind of baldness. Fortunately for women, the hormone oestrogen counteracts and stops this negative action of androgen. However, in periods when the oestrogen level falls, androgen starts attacking the hair follicles and as the hair follicles are destroyed, hair starts to thin.

    For example, before menopause, the production of oestrogen is high.This acts as protection against the small amount of androgen that women produce. After menopause, when the production of the oestrogen slows down dramatically or stops altogether, Female Pattern Thinning (FPT) in women begins.This thinning may also be triggered off by stress, the consumption of oral contraceptives, after hysterectomy, childbirth, or hormonereplacement therapy.

Male pattern thinning usually begins during the late teens and early 20's and affected men are well on the way to baldness at early 30's. Male pattern thinning is easily recognised by its location on the scalp and by the manner in which it occurs.The thinning of the hair occurs at the temples and / or the thinning of the hair occurs in the front crown areas of the scalp.The final stage of such a loss leaves a band of hair around and back and the sides of scalp and baldness over the rest of the scalp.The diagrammatic representation of the stages of baldness to the extreme left shows us the progress of this disorder.
    In women, androgenetic alopecia appears as diffuse hair loss or thinning in the fronto-vortex region (i.e. - on top of the frontal region) and the frontal region is

spared in most cases (Above graphic).This hair loss happens at a slower rate than in men and it happens at a much later time in life. But age does not make it less traumatic for a woman, especially if she has had luxuriant hair before.
How to face baldness:

In their anxiety to look good and feel better, people leave no stone unturned right from applying snake oil to elephant teeth to standing on ones head or applying the so called magical lotions for re-growth of hair.
    Re-growth is possible only in nonscarring alopecia's and is never possible in androgenetic alopecia or scarring baldness like pseudopalade. Ninety per cent of all baldness in the world are of Androgenetic type and science today has progressed so far as to control the balding process i.e. to keep you where you are for a longer period of time. It is important to understand that male pattern thinning is a progressive disorder and hence the earlier the diagnosis, the better and longer the

chances of controlling the problem.
It was found that nature had some natural DHT blockers, which could control the action of the male hormone on the hair. Green tea and a berry seed called saw palmetto, which grows in North America and Australia were the two most prominent DHT blockers found. Saw palmetto and green tea processed as a food supplement called Serenoa Complex has turned out to be one of the most potent treatments for controlling male pattern thinning.
The monitoring of male pattern thinning:
The follicular count method is used by trichologists all over the world to help patients monitor the control of male pattern thinning.The process involves counting of the number of hair follicles in the fronto-vertex area and monitoring the count every three months.

    Hair camouflage techniques like single hair follicular grafting (surgical), carefree systems (non surgical) and hair fibres (temporary) have been developed to help you regain your lost hair.
    With proper care, which includes proper diet, healthy lifestyle, adequate sleep, early diagnosis and proper treatment by your trichologist, Baldness can be faced by one and all. Have a Great Hair Day!


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