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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Keep in mind these 10 simple and practical tips to prevent you from piling on the pounds



The holiday season spells indulgence. 

You starved yourself for months before the New Year's bash to fit into that slinky gown. But as the holidays draw closer you can't seem to resist the treats that are laid out at every party only to entice you. Help is at hand - Nutritionist Samreedhi Goel shares with you a few tricks of the trade that will help you keep your resolve, to some extent at least! 

Go tighter and lighter: 
Pick out your dress in advance. And this time 
break away from the norm and dare to wear white. Darker colours tend to make you look slimmer. Go a step further and pick an outfit that shows off your curves. Merely investing in a light coloured, fitted outfit for New Year's Eve will make you more likely to watch what you eat prior to the party, if only to fit into that dress! 

Dine before the do: Go semiloaded. Have a small high fibre snack like a soup and a salad or a 
plate of fruits before you go to the party. Snacking on high fibre foods will keep you fuller for longer and will prevent you from bingeing on high calorie foods at the party. 
Keep your diet under wraps: The minute you announce that you're 
on a diet, you will call attention to your eating habits. Chances are, people will tell you that you're eating way too little or that you can eat that chocolate pastry today and work it off tomorrow! So, try not to talk about your diet at all. It also helps to eat your food slowly so you don't finish way before the others. 
Can't keep a secret? Find a 
cheat buddy: 
If you are going to 
the party and are accompanied 
with a diet conscious friend/spouse make a pact to keep a watch on each other. See that each of you eats only a pre-decided number of starters and drinks. If the dessert seems too tempting, share it in a single plate. Each of you can motivate the other to stick to the 

Out of sight. Out of mind: 
Control where you are standing. If you are positioned close to the 
buffet table you will, in all probability, begin snacking on the food. Therefore try to pick a spot that's not too close to the buffet table. 

Exercise your right: Use 
your right hand to hold on 
to a glass of a fresh fruit 
juice or just sparkling water and sip it slowly. If your dominant hand is busy you are less likely to fill up on the starters. 

Toss the empties: Once you are done eating, don't hold on to the plate. The longer you stall getting rid 
of your plate, the more likely you are to go in for an extra helping even if you are no longer hungry. 
Treat yourself: When it comes to sweet treats, psychologists believe that the first three bites are all that's 
needed to be completely satisfied. So indulge your sweet tooth but stop at the third spoonful. 
Alternate the alcohol: Calories from alcohol are slower to burn off. Also alcohol slows 
down your metabolism and does not allow the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Every alcoholic beverage you drink, follow it up with a glass of water. This will help you pace yourself and keep you hydrated too. 10 
Don't starve 
post the party: 
the next day will not help 
you burn off the fat because when you deprive your body of essential nutrients you slow down your metabolic rate. Instead eat small sensible meals at regular intervals. 
(Samreedhi Goel is a nutritionist and personal trainer who runs Sizewise, an exercise studio at Santacruz)



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