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Tuesday, September 27, 2011


HIGH CHOLESTEROL Women catch up with men

Age Profile Of Cardiac Patients Too Drops Further As Haywire Urban Lifestyle Takes Its Toll

    City doctors warn that the notion of women being less prone to cardiac problems needs to change fast. Now, a survey by a city-based laboratory has found that the possible underlying cause of rising heart ailments could be alarming cholesterol levels in women. 
    Metropolis laboratories released data on cholesterol levels of 17,379 men and 15,255 women who had got themselves tested between January 2009 and July this year. A whopping 36% men and 33% women were found to have at least one abnormal cholesterol parameter or undesirable cholesterol and triglycerides presence in their blood stream. But what is most worrisome is that women seem to be fast catching up with men in terms of high cholesterol levels. 
    Doctors say this calls for a de
tailed analysis as to how women are showing higher cholesterol levels despite the protection of estrogen (the primary female hormone). The survey revealed how 55.7% women in the 25-45 age bracket had abnormally high cholesterol in comparison to 43.4% men. Also, out of the 3,586 women found to have abnormal cholesterol levels, around 1,225 had very high cholesterol. Further, the numbers reflected how more women had abysmally high level (56.5%) of bad cholesterol, and an equal percentage were on the verge of tipping over. 
    According to Dr Rajesh Bendre, head of immunochemistry, Metropolis Healthcare, the situation could be grimmer as lipid profile tests are just basic parameters. "The incidence of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease is increasingly seen in younger age groups. The numbers are surprising given that not many women smoke or drink." 
    Interventional cardiologist Dr Vijay Bang from Lilavati Hospital blamed sedentary lifestyle for the incidence. 

    However, some doctors believe more research is needed on whether higher cholesterol level is translating into more heart attacks in women. Dr Anand Rao, interventional cardiologist of
Holy Family Hospital, said that young women suffering heart attacks have some family history or underlying condition like diabetes. "Seldom do we find high cholesterol as a cause in women unlike in men," said Rao, who blamed smoking for heart attacks in women. "(But) the protection women enjoy from estrogen is quite strong." 
Arteries that carry blood to arms or legs become narrow due to build-up of cholesterol, causing blood flow to slow down or stop. Ignoring symptoms of pain, tingling or numbness could lead to gangrene and even loss of a limb. Deep vein thrombosis relates to clots deep in the body 

EMERGENCY | A clot from the heart can reach the limbs, cutting blood supply instantly. Prompt action is needed to save the limb 
RISK | It usually occurs in those over 50. More men than women are affected. Smoking, blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol & obesity are contributory factors 
TREATMENT | Lifestyle changes and, at times, surgery or stenting



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