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Thursday, November 15, 2012


10 easy lunchtime changes that can fit wellness into your exhausting work week

If you work full time, your lunch break is probably sacred. But how often do you spend that precious hour at your desk, munching a mayo-heavy sandwich and barely tearing your eyes from your computer screen? 
    Recent research found that half of office workers feel more stimulated after going out for lunch. Yet only 15 per cent actually leave their desk. You're not alone if you feel chained to your desk, but small changes can make a big difference. 
1 Swap your sarnie 

Your packed lunch could be seriously affecting your waistline if it's laden with calories. Aim to eat low glycaemic index (GI) foods, which contain slow release carbohydrates such as wholegrain bread, brown rice and pasta, says nutritionists. 
    By swapping a chicken-mayonnaise (535 calories), for an egg sandwich made with wholemeal bread (270 calories), you'll save 265 calories. Or save 136 calories by having a 100g pot of humus (187 cal) with a large mixed salad (222 cal). 

2 Work out at work 
If you really can't get out to exercise, bring your fitness regime inside. No need to limber up in a leotard at your desk, but you can sneak in some exercise without getting funny looks from colleagues. Ab pull-ins are one of the best ways to strengthen your belly. Sitting straight, pull your abdominal muscles in by tightening them. Hold for five seconds, and release. Repeat 20 times. 
3 Stay active 
Sitting down at work all day can have adverse consequences for your figure — and your health. Research has shown that going on a power walk daily can halve the risk of a heart attack. Exercising at lunchtime can energise you, say fitness experts. "It means you're less likely to succumb to the afternoon munchies. Several offices now have in-house gyms, so that makes things easier. Or just head out for a short walk. 
4 Ditch the coffee 

You may love your creamy latte, but it's not doing you much good. Change your order from a large latte 

    (280 calories) to a calorie-free green tea. Green tea is less likely to give you that afternoon slump as there's less of a blood sugar 'peak and trough' effect. It also protects you against degenerative diseases if drunk often. Else, swap your latte for a mug of tea with milk (20 calories), which means you cut out 260 calories. Go easy on the sugar. 

5 Mind your mess 
Finding it difficult to think straight surrounded by all those mouldy cups and piles of paperwork? Use your lunch hour to tidy your desk and give yourself a mental boost. Your subconscious mind doesn't discriminate between positive or negative. It defines your current state of mind and affects how you act. 
    So, messy spaces produce a muddled mind while a tidy desk brings clarity. 
6 Sun substitutes 
You won't get your recommended dose of vitamin D spending all day indoors. Nothing can replace getting out into the sunshine, but adjusting your diet can help. Eggs and mackerel are rich in vitamin D. 
7 Take a screen break 
If you work on a computer all day, getting regular screen breaks — especially at lunchtime — could save your eyesight. Screens subject your eyes to flicker and glare, which can cause myopia or shortsightedness. Staring at the screen can also cause blurred vision, double vision, dry and red eyes, headaches and neck and back pain. Blink often to keep your eyes moist, splash them with water and look away from the screen at regular intervals, to focus on objects that stand at a distance. 

8 Trade your chocolate 
If you can't resist the allure of chocolate at lunchtime, think of the long-term effects it could have on your figure. If you're addicted to colas, why not try a fruit smoothie instead? The micronutrients in a smoothie make it better than a cola. 
9 Take the stairs 

We don't just use calories by exercising. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy used for everything other than sleeping, eating or conventional exercise. By going for a stroll in a shopping area close to work, you could use 30 calories in 'neat' energy. Climbing the stairs every day could tally up, over a month, to the equivalent of a step class. 
10 Do nothing 
At lunchtime, find a park bench and watch the world go by. You might think you can just rest your body but you must never forget to calm your mind. A clear mind gives a feeling of fearlessness, confidence and clarity. Don't feel guilty about taking your lunch break. It's your time. 
    —Daily Mirror



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