Treatment for Bronchial Asthma
Bronchial asthma is an allergic disease, which appears as recurrent bouts of asphyxia.
Dry and tormenting cough is in most cases the first portent of the coming bout of bronchial asthma. Attacks of asphyxia begin all of a sudden and rapidly aggravate; they last from several minutes to several hours or even days (in complicated cases).
During the attack an asthmatic cannot move freely but usually has to remain standing or sitting with his hands resting on the table. He experiences hurried whizzing breathing, with inhalation much shorter than exhalation.
In slight attacks of bronchial asthma the patients normally do not call ambulance but use special drugs intended to terminate the bouts.
An urgent medical consultation is a must in case of the first attack of bronchial asthma. If the patient is suffering from a protracted, several hour or several day long asthma bout that can not be cured by ordinary methods (such state is termed asthmatic status), an ambulance should be urgently called, as his life is definite]y endangered. Intensive therapy in a hospital is then essential.
First aid admin istration by the Su Jok therapy methods in bronchial asthma involves linear massage in the standard hand or foot correspondence system with a finger or any massage tool or whatever else handy. The projection of the respiratory tract should be stimulated from the area of correspondence to the lungs to that of the nose, which will promote better sputum discharge (Fig. 10
3). Since the diaphragm takes part in respiration, the area of correspondence to the entire upper diaphragm line needs massage as well. There is a point near the base of the first metacarpal bone that corresponds the upper diaphragm line and whose stimulation is especially helpful (Fig. 104). In many cases the bronchial asthma bouts are completely done away by means of these manipulations very simple indeed.
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