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Sunday, July 1, 2012

DON’T SIT STILL ‘Fidgeting can help you live longer’

London: People who keep fidgeting could live longer than those who sit still for long periods, a new study has revealed. 
    Spending too much time on sedentary activities like working at a computer or watching television can shorten a person's lifespan and raise 

the risk of conditions like heart disease and stroke. 
    But breaking up your "sitting time" throughout the day with simple activities like walking or stretching your legs — even for a minute or two at a time — could counteract the harmful effects of being a couch potato and lead to better overall health, researchers said. 
    "People are watching television for up to four hours a day and spending 60%-70% of their time being sed
entary, and that is because of our lifestyle and occupations," said Dr Wilby Williamson, an NHS expert in sports medicine. 
    "Reducing our sitting time makes us better at breaking sugars and fats down, which can help reduce our risk of metabolic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease," Williamson was quoted as saying by the Daily Telegraph.Studies have shown that the amount of time we spend sitting down is associated with reduced lifespan and a higher incidence of heart disease and stroke. 
    Williamson said, "The risk factors for cardiovascular disease and longevity start to increase above two hours of television watching per day. If you can make your TV watching or screen time more active that could be beneficial. Also, make sure your are not sitting for long chunks of time. Some studies show there is a beneficial effect of breaking it up every 20 to 30 minutes." 
    Although doctors still recommend that people get more than 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per week to keep healthy, they said less strenuous activities could also be of benefit. 
    These can include things that don't feel like exercise such as standing up and bouncing on your heels, wiggling your hips to some music or taking a brief stroll around the house during a television advertisement break. PTI



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