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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Eye care least priority for Indians, says study

 Even as India is home to one of the highest populations of the visually impaired, eye health is the least priority for the population here, a global survey said. "Compared to 10 other markets, Indians are the most likely to have never had an eye examination," the survey by an eye health care company said. Spanning across 26 countries, the survey polled around 11,000 consumers. "One in 10 Indians have never had a comprehensive eye examination. Around 70 per cent Indians do not get their eyes checked more often because they feel that they do not have any symptoms," the survey said.
    In another startling find, the study reported around 97 per cent of doctors surveyed globally believed consumers do not have sufficient eyehealth knowledge. The said that over 80 per cent of visual impairment is preventable if detected. "Most cases can be cured if detected on time — however, the study reveals that Indians don't take their eye 
health seriously. Around 58 per cent Indians believe that they do not need an eye test unless they have a problem," said Harish Natarajan, managing director of the eyehealth care company. Interestingly, women came out top in the battle of the sexes by taking far better care of their eyes, such as eating a healthy diet and wearing sunglasses, the study reported. 



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